- Needle-free acupuncture:
- Status inquiry, diagnosis and treatment in one system
- Shorter treatment time by reduction to 3 – 5 treatment points
- Automatic evaluation of all organs in relationship to one another (Yin / Yang, cold / hot, wet / dry, stagnation, etc.) and their illustration in a summarising clear and detailed diagram
- Precise measurement of 5 acupuncture points according to meridians in the auto mode programme and their stimulation
- The non-invasive, needle-free procedure avoids soft-tissue hematomas and infections, hence, it is perfect for patients who have a fear for needles and for children
- Treatment can be delegated to medical personnel
- Bio-cybernetics:
- Unbelievable successes using the innovative bio-cybernetic procedure, on the basis of an extensive empirical database. Precise identification of the symptoms and pain reduction
- The broad spectrum of applications allows the treatment of a wide range of different symptoms
- Optimal utilisation of equipment and its fast amortisation. The actual treatment can be carried out by qualified personnel, allowing an efficient and profitable division of labour
- Reliable. Made in Germany